Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A husband's "Man Cave"

I read several blogs, written by talented wives, to try to understand that funny species otherwise known as "The Husband." In doing so I've learned a few notable items over the past several months:

1. All men share a single brain that they pass around. Some use it more frequently than others, but nonetheless share it with the remainder of the species.
2. They think nothing of beating their chests to declare they are man, they are the "hunter," so forth so on and yet when sent on a "Hunt" to the fridge, grocery store, fill in the _____ holiday to obtain wife's gift with picture, ISBN, and exact location within the store inevitably they will be unable to locate said item.
3. In referencing back to item 2, when they in turn need the wife to "hunt" they think nothing at all of providing a description akin to "babe, while you are at _____ please pick me up that favorite thing I love. You know what I mean. Its smaller than a beer case and it used to be in a black wrapper but its now in something different and I have no idea what its called, but you know what I mean." 

4. If it has no defined, illustrated, with directions they can ignore, purpose....its trash.

That, my friends, is the sum total of a man's logic. Its really quite simple to follow once you understand the basic principles. Men are like children, accept this fact now and be resigned to the fact that you will from now on play your own spouse when it comes to gift giving, shopping, and parenting. Now don't get me wrong. I love my hubby. I would not give him up or trade him for anyone else, but this "logic" amuses me. Now mind you - I, being a female, seeing nothing wrong with owning 20 pairs of shoes. Something that just throws Alex's poor mind for a loop. :)

Now to explain the title: in shopping for the house, what do you suppose was the first thought process my darling hubby had? Was it - we have a lawn, we need a lawn mower? Or perhaps it might have been "the house needs new floors desperately - we'll save up and get those in ASAP" Oh no. None of the above, no his first thought was "Hey I get a man - cave! Now I can buy that Jeep Wrangler grill wall mounted light and put that and my PS2 and the t.v. in there so you can watch t.v." Of course sweetheart, lets not forget the stove needs replacing immediately and those various other silly things and lets go ahead and buy that wall light that looks like the front end of the car you drive every day and what you work on almost every day at work.  Brilliant! I'll go shopping for my new shoes while you are picking up the light!

Its just one of those quirks of fate I suppose. How two total opposing forces can attract one another. I have me a GRIT (gentleman raised in the south), a true southern man, who always holds his elbow out for me to tuck my arm into, opens the door, and in general treats me as though I'm made of a fine bone china. But I also have a bone-headed, stubborn fool who refuses to ask for help or realize that when the store we've been to 50 times is ahead on the left does not mean turning right here will be a "shortcut" just because his buddy told him so. And despite all that - it works. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2010 is just on the horizon

Who would have believed that this year would just fly by! In 2009 Alex and I got married, and it through him WAY off when I got a letter addressed to Mrs. Lee. HAHA. We've put a home under contract, we've paid off major debt to do so, and taken a lovely vacation together. We've also had storms....the texting is still a major issue. We're working on that, but for now it remains a challenge.

Alex's job remains a constant stress because every single time we try to take a weekend together they yank him in to work. Its an amazement to me that we managed a honeymoon and to pull off Christmas eve with the in-laws. Speaking of Christmas, he did a wonderful job this year. Kudos to my momma for working with him to obtain something for me rather than the trashcan I hear he had planned. :-D Its definitely been a learning curve with in-laws. We have a strong set of differences and are very vocal in those differences at time. I try to not pull Alex in one way or another, but there are times when I do look at him and say its time to go. I don't sense that feeling from him regarding my family, but he is notoriously grand at hiding his feelings from me. Still we are each learning, and given its only been 3.5 months since we got married I think we are allowed mistakes. :)

Things to look forward to in 2010:
We have this amazing house that I am absolutely elated about. :) We are already starting to "shop" for furniture. I.E. we are window shopping. I have found several pieces that I think would work wonderfully, but also realize that we need to wait for a budget.

Alex's potential new job. Not only will this job provide a better salary and better hours, but it will also reduce stress (hopefully) and allow him to train for a better future.

Trip back to Disney! We want to go for our first anniversary, but we may adjust the time to account for our good friends' wedding in October. The plans will be made closer to spring once we've received the Save-The-Date card and have that silly budget thing we are talking about.

Finally - a church. We are seeking, slowly, a church home for our needs. There is very little out there for young, married, adults without children. While we want children in the future, that time is not going to happen for at least another year or two. So the search will continue until we find that perfect "home."

I think that covers everything for now, but if not check my facebook or I'll post another post to the blog. Either way, live a happy life.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

3 plus months

Well married life is just swinging right along. Its a roller coaster to be sure, but for the most part we are having fun. We finally found a house & have it under contract. Now we are just completing all those fun little steps that are necessary according to the bank, the agent, and everyone else under the sun. :)

Christmas was wonderful this year, Alex did an amazing job at gifts. I think I got every single item on my list! I'm so happy that he was able to get me the charm bracelet though. Really, that is my favorite gift because its something he can add to for years & that I can make as personal as I want. So far I have two honeymoon charms & a personalized heart from Alex. I wish I had more to share now, but we are kind of boring. I hope to get pics of the house soon (probably Monday) and I will post them. Until then.  . . enjoy life!